This week-end I looked at C++ rvalue references and move semantics. Here’s the code, the good stuff is in  matrix.h. Rvalue references seem useful, but way too treacherous. Any programming construct that raises […]

I absolutely detest the “what number/letter/picture comes next” type of puzzles. They are typically based on catching the pattern that the author had in mind when creating the puzzle. Well, […]

WCF vs .NET Remoting

Remoting is about distributed objects, while WCF is about services. Remoting is capable of passing object instances between the client and the server, WCF is not. This distinction is much […]

Dumbification of web sites

In the last month or so I realized that I am having difficulty using GMail. I could not put my finger on it, until it hit me: look at the […]

Cheap M-amp-Ms!

HTML entities are taking over. Here’s what I saw today in our local Target:

I heard all the buzz about 3D Earth view in Google Maps, but it did not work in my Chrome browser at home. I initially thought Google is doing some […]