
Standard C++ is still lacking standardized future continuation. Boost has “experimental” implementation that is 11 years old. In the meantime, at least three major proposals were brought before the standard committee, but none made it into the standard. Current proposal is 190 printed pages long. The earliest it can become standard is C++26, and even that is not guaranteed. Such glacial speed of change results in a lot of confusion and feature lag behind other languages. C# had continuations since 2010, and JavaScript since 2015 (EC6). While C++ 11 was relatively on par with the industry when introducing futures, current C++ is quite behind the crowd. “Experimental”  code should not stick around for over a decade in any library, and especially in a semi-standard library like Boost. There must be a way to solve problems faster.

C++ syntax is notoriously complex and full of gotchas both for compilers and for humans. I don’t know what was the reasoning in selecting the syntax for template deduction guides […]

Fold expressions, starting with C++ 17, provide succinct, if somewhat unorthodox, syntax for processing of parameter packs. Printing a pack to standard output Suppose, I want to write a function […]

This week-end I looked at C++ rvalue references and move semantics. Here’s the code, the good stuff is in  matrix.h. Rvalue references seem useful, but way too treacherous. Any programming construct that raises […]