
My analog doorbell has died, so I am on the market for a doorbell camera. I would like to avoid storing my videos in the cloud, so it rules out […]

What is dead code?

What is dead code? Looks like it depends on who you ask. Some people think it’s unreachable code than never executes. Other people think that it’s redundant code that does […]

WordPress themes and software decay

I have discovered a few broken things with my WordPress site. This post, as much of this blog, is mostly description of events, so I won’t forget what exactly happened. […]

There is a rumor C++ 23 introduces method string::contains that checks whether a string contains a substring. I guess in mere 10-20 years we will have string::toupper and string::tolower. Here’s […]

TL;DR std::function works great when we know exact types of the arguments and the return value. It breaks down miserably in presence of templates, and the error messages are not […]

Cassandra Database

Last week I had an opportunity to experiment with Cassandra database in a semi-real environment. A few notes: Cassandra goes out of its way to be friendly to “traditional” SQL […]

Another entry to the [error message] => [solution] hash table. Context: C++ build with Conan. Error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined hidden symbol `_ZTCN5boost10wrapexceptISt11logic_errorEE0_NS_16exception_detail10clone_implINS3_19error_info_injectorIS1_EEEE’ can not be used when making a […]

As part of the conanfile.py, add the following: def generate(self): toolchain = CMakeToolchain(self) toolchain.variables[‘CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE’] = ‘ON’ toolchain.generate() CMakeDeps(self).generate() Build output without CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE: [ 78%] Building CXX object cpp/test/unit/CMakeFiles/IntegrationTest.cpp.o Build output […]

I am starting to suspect that ChatGPT is emulating humans too well when it comes to parsing requirements. I asked it to write a Python program that, among other things, […]