If you wish to access standard input and output in your WPF app, you will have to compile it as a Console app and fire up the WPF application object […]

I have just spent a few fun hours fighting Apache rewrite rules in an .htaccess file. It turns out that temporary redirects just work, but permanent redirects require RewriteBase! Frankly, […]

Hurrah, our project actually has a class named (Something)TemplateFactoryBuilder! What does it do? Well, it’s very easy. It takes a serialized string and creates a factory, which will produce a […]

DotNetCore provides two types of installs: framework-dependent install and self-contained install. I tried to compile a hello-world app on Windows and run it on Ubuntu that has neither dotnetcore SDK […]

Over the week-end I created the TaskTimer class that allows to execute code on timer in an async method: static async Task DoStuffOnTimer() {     using (var timer = new TaskTimer(1000).Start())     {         foreach (var task in timer)         {             await task;             DoStuff();         }     } } Source […]

I wrote a tool called “IsItMySource” that can list source files of a binary and, more importantly, check whether particular source directory matches the binary. The description is here: https://www.ikriv.com/dev/dotnet/IsItMySource/index.php. The […]