F#: How to Make a Record Type Nullable

As I mentioned in the previous post, F# types (as opposed to classes) cannot be null. That is, you cannot explicitly make them null, but you can still end up with a null value. Here’s how:

1 type Foo =
2 { x : int }
4 let varObj : Object = null
5 let varFoo1 : Foo = null // this won't work
6 let varFoo2 : Foo = varObj :?> Foo // this will

Line 5 will simply not compile, stating that null is not a valid value for type Foo. Line 6 will compile. I expected to get a runtime exception when executing line 6, but it did not happen. The exception occurs only when we try to access varFoo2.x. E.g. I can pass varFoo2 to a function without error. So, effectively varFoo2 works as a null value of type Foo, which we were told cannot exist.

So, if downcasts are involved, even record types can be nullable. This may be a nasty surprise for the developer, especially since there is no protection against this. There is no way to check whether a variable of type Foo is null: the compiler will tell you that it can never be null 🙂

Ending up with null values for record types is not completely unexpected, since F# record types are internally represented by .NET classes, which are nullable. To avoid nulls, F# compiler needs to closely guard all possible ways by which a variable of a record type may end up with a null value. This is one possible path they did not catch.

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1 Comment

  1. This isn’t valid anymore, you’ll get a runtime error during casting it (null reference exception)!


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