
I wanted to create a logger that writes either to a file, or to the System.Diagnostics.Trace. To my astonishment, I found that .NET class library does not have a TextWriter […]

I was playing with .NET 2.0 unmanaged hosting API. I am trying to customize assembly loading and “fix” some assemblies on the fly. I found an interesting gotcha, that I […]

I am playing with the binary format of .NET assemblies, described here. .NET metadata is stored inside regular Windows executable PE file. I explored PE file format in detail when […]

It’s been a long time – New Year, small vacation, etc… Getting back to the blog. By the recommendation of my colleagues I took the Framework Design Guidelines book in […]

The Mysterious Hang article has been updated. Prompted by an e-mail from a reader, I added a paragraph on how to solve the problem.

Trying it from work. The website is somewhat slow today. I wonder what may have caused it…