Hacker’s diary

Coming back from .NET Framework, it feels like Win32 API was invented by some rather cold people with total disregard for the well being of the application programmers. Every other […]

I have just spent a few fun hours fighting Apache rewrite rules in an .htaccess file. It turns out that temporary redirects just work, but permanent redirects require RewriteBase! Frankly, […]

Over the week-end I created the TaskTimer class that allows to execute code on timer in an async method: static async Task DoStuffOnTimer() {     using (var timer = new TaskTimer(1000).Start())     {         foreach (var task in timer)         {             await task;             DoStuff();         }     } } Source […]

I wrote a tool called “IsItMySource” that can list source files of a binary and, more importantly, check whether particular source directory matches the binary. The description is here: https://www.ikriv.com/dev/dotnet/IsItMySource/index.php. The […]