WPF defines a Freezable type that is a base class for “almost immutable” objects. They can be setup in read/write mode and then “frozen” which makes them immutable and thread […]

I think I have finally found one that seems to do everything I need. This is quite an elaborated piece of software, I am only starting to investigate it, but […]

I am using WPF and MVVM. I have a Window and a view model attached to it via Datacontext. The window has a listbox, and its items have context menu. […]

As I mensioned earlier on Microsoft forums (with no response), we desperately need some kind of macro language. I am now developing some GUI using WPF. WPF is a very […]

I have finally published it. WPF 3D demo demonstrates features such as 3D bodies (duh!), control templates, data binding, etc.

It turns out that emissive material is quite a tricky fellow. Petzold’s book warns not to use EmissiveMaterial by itself, and always combine it with a diffuse material, which may […]