nUnit test cases with dates

nUnit has a great feature of running multiple similar test cases via data-driven approach:

[TestCase("", "")]
[TestCase("q", "q")]
[TestCase("xyz", "zyx")]
public void TestStringReverse(string s, string expectedResult)
    var result = Reverse(s);
    Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);

However, that does not work with dates, since DateTime is not a primitive type and cannot be used in an attribute.

[TestCase(new DateTime(...), new DateTime(...), false)] // Does not work
public void TestIntervalIsGood(DateTime from, DateTime to, bool isGood)

The solution is to supply test data in runtime, using [ValueSource] attribute. This is more code, but it works.

        // warning: not tested
        public class Interval
            public DateTime From;
            public DateTime To;

        public class TestCase
            public int Id;
            public DateTime From;
            public DateTime To;
            public bool IsGood;

            // We need this override, so test cases are shown well in nUnit. Otherwise they all look like MyTestClass+TestCase
            // We could show actual dates, but it is kind of long, so I opted for a numeric ID
            public override string ToString()
                return "TestCase " + Id;

        private static TestCase T(int id, DateTime from, DateTime to, bool isGood)
            return new TestCase { Id = id, From = from, To = to, IsGood = isGood };

        private static readonly DateTime Before = ...;
        private static readonly DateTime Inside = ...;
        private static readonly DateTime After = ...;

        private static readonly TestCase[] TestCases =
            T(1, Before, Before, false),
            T(2, Before, Inside, true),
            T(3, Before, After, true)

        public void TestIntervalIsGood([ValueSource(nameof(TestCases))] TestCase testCase)
            bool isGood = IsIntervalGood(testCase.From, testCase.To);
            Assert.AreEqual(testCase.IsGood, isGood);

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