Hacker’s diary

I was recently tasked with creating a Windows Store (Metro, WinRT) version of an existing app. This is my first WinRT project. Documenting my experience so far: 1. So called […]

Observing Unhandled Exceptions In .NET unhandled exceptions can be observed via AppDomain.UnhandledException event: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += myHandler; // C# In Win32 unhandled exceptions are observed via SetUnhandledExceptionFilter call: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(myfilter); // C/C++ […]

My Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX suddenly started eating the battery much faster than it did just a couple of days ago. I went to System Settings->Battery and discovered that the […]

The fun started Saturday morning, when I found a brown box by my door with a new cable modem in it. The paper inside the box said something like “install […]