Expression blend looks like an interior of a coffin. It is outright depressing. “Expression light” theme is better – it looks like an interior of a coffin on a bright […]

As many people have pointed out, WPF in its current form is far from point-and-click experience. This is how you set background image on a windows form (not WPF): Select […]

Creating an elliptical button proved to be not as easy as some claimed. I would hardly describe it is “a snap”. <Button Shape=”Ellipse”/> would be a snap, but the reality […]

Yes, I know, WPF is old news and it had been released almost three years ago – it is a well petrified stone axe for most cutting edge developers. I […]

A violation of rule of least astonishment: in Windows Forms the focus is automatically set to the first element in tab order. In WPF (and in ASP.NET) it’s not the […]

Finally, after reading books about WPF I started to actually work with it. As usual, I start with complaints 🙂 It turns out that renaming a WPF form, especially main […]