I need to do some processing when rows are deleted from my DataTable. One would think it should be easy: after all, you have RowDeleting and RowDeleted events, that should […]

I was preparing for a presentation on MEF, and I stumbled upon this sentence: catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(“C:\\SimpleCalculator\\SimpleCalculator\\Extensions”)); “This absolute path is for debugging purposes only. In a production application, you would […]

As one of the commentators correctly pointed out, it does not make much sense to create value objects such as Order via dependency injection, so my previous example was perhaps […]

A couple of days ago I spent some time trying to find how to make Unity call a factory method when user requests an object. Then I forgot about it, […]

I am writing a plugin-hosting WPF application. For variety of reasons I have to put plugin-ins into their own app domains. To name just a few: – plugin unload is […]