
I bought a laptop with Windows 11 preinstalled, and ran into too many usability issues. They are not critical, but annoying, and it looks like I can downgrade my laptop […]

This post compares random number generation in “the old days”, and in modern C++. This is how we used to do it: #include <cstdlib.h> srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // seed the random number […]

I was too busy with my job to post anything here. Besides, for some time I was working on proprietary stuff, so I could not really post about it, and […]

Tic-tac-toe screenshot

I was just experimenting with HTML5 canvas. The game is entirely in HTML5/JavaScript, it should work on desktop and on mobile devies. The moves table is pre-generated in C#. Play […]

Coming from C# background, I was trying to understand whether Python allows to pass obj.method where ordinary function is expected, and if yes, how could it possibly work. Consider this […]

The growth of command-line options: 1979-2017

I stumbled upon an article (https://danluu.com/cli-complexity/), that explores the dramatic growth of the number of command line options in most popular Unix commands between 1979 and 2017 and explains why […]