
I needed the following functionality: – class MarketSession has property MarketType (options, futures, …) – this property is an enum, but in the underlying protocol it is actually a number […]

Following up on the previous post. Linux (and UNIX in general) has a centralized location for logs: that’s /var/log. Windows does not. The original idea was that you are supposed […]

I had a surprisingly difficult time trying to figure out how to set folder permissions in my windows service installer. Here’s the story: I have a Windows service that writes […]

Just explained my project to a new team member and realized UML does not have standard way of expressing data flow diagrams. Indeed, it is an object-oriented toolset, and data […]

I have finally published it. WPF 3D demo demonstrates features such as 3D bodies (duh!), control templates, data binding, etc.

I have finally bought a modern OOA/D book: Craig Larman, “Applying UML and Patterns”). Martin Fowler recommends it as a good OO book in his “Patterns of Enterprise Applications Architecture“, […]