So, it looks like we get two operating systems for the price of one. It has two styles of apps: one more suitable for a phone (a.k.a. “Metro” style) and […]

Just finished a fight with JAX-WS. It turns out that if I have a method like this: @WebService(targetNamespace=…) @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBINDING.ParameterStyle.BARE /* don’t ask */) class MyWebService { @WebMethod MyClass […]

“Three large explosions from the sun over the past few days have prompted U.S. government scientists to caution users of satellite, telecommunications and electric equipment to prepare for possible disruptions” […]

In C# code you can write something like decimal d = 1e-10m; However, decimal.Parse(“1e-10”) throws an exception: “System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format”. Not cool.

Popular belief (reinforced indirectly by MSDN) is that BackgroundWorker class will marshal the “progress” and “completed” events back to the calling thread. This turned out to be most certainly not […]

I did more investigation on the bindings (duh, only two months later). It turns out the bindings are replaced when the value of the target dependency property is replaced. This […]

I am kinda tired of this MVVM/bindings crap. I feel like my hands are tied, for variety of reasons: 1. Bindings don’t work with properties of properties, because they rely […]

Following some discussion in LJ, I came up with this. Someday I may translate that into Russian 🙂