
My analog doorbell has died, so I am on the market for a doorbell camera. I would like to avoid storing my videos in the cloud, so it rules out […]

What is dead code?

What is dead code? Looks like it depends on who you ask. Some people think it’s unreachable code than never executes. Other people think that it’s redundant code that does […]

TL;DR Use default parameters to simulate assignment in lambdas. Unlike C and C++, in Python assignment is an expression, not a statement. Python lambda can only return an expression, which […]

Invalid Exec Format They gave me a MacBook Pro at work. I built a docker image locally. I pushed it to Amazon cloud to run. I got “invalid exec format” […]

Code: https://github.com/ikriv-samples/logarthmic-fibonacci. Fibonacci sequence is defined as a sequence starting with 0, 1 where each subsequent member is calculated as fib(n) = fib(n-1)+fib(n-2). This yields an infinite sequence 0, 1, […]

TL;DR make sure to add magic words WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} to the Apache config, otherwise import torch will hang. I tried to integrate my PyTorch AI model with my Apache web […]