Hacker’s diary

Very brief note, so I don’t forget the circumstances: I may write a sample later. When you define Prism region in your view like this: <igDock:TabGroupPane prism:RegionManager.RegionName=”SomeRegion” /> Prism has […]

It is official: Prism regions don’t work for a tab control inside a tab control. The reason is described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8592802/tabcontrol-within-tabitem. Simply put, there is only one instance of the […]

“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black” H. Ford Trying to figure out how scoped region managers would work […]

Just created a Visual Studio Add-in using the wizard. The source files created by the wizard turned out to be UTF-16. The files I create manually are UTF-8. It is […]

As certain other “highly integrated” Microsoft technologies, entity framework seems to be high maintenance when it comes to refactoring and moving things around. To move an .emdx file from one […]

In C# code you can write something like decimal d = 1e-10m; However, decimal.Parse(“1e-10”) throws an exception: “System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format”. Not cool.

Popular belief (reinforced indirectly by MSDN) is that BackgroundWorker class will marshal the “progress” and “completed” events back to the calling thread. This turned out to be most certainly not […]