Windows Admin
- IP Watchdog service: monitors external IP and notifies of changes by e-mail
- EnumWinstaGui: view/change windows stations and desktop security. With this tool you can even open windows on logon desktop!
- Service Control Manager: manage Windows NT/2000/XP services and drivers on your computer and on remote computers.
Windows Developer
- IsItMySource: checks whether given executable was compiled from given source code.
- GenTestAsm: run your unmanaged C++ tests in nUnit
- WPF 3D Demo: Solar System
- WPF: Elliptical button
- WPF 3D: Rotating cube
- C# for MS-DOS: Expression trees compiled into 16-bit MS-DOS binary
- Line Tracker (MFC)
- Read/Write Lock (MFC)
- Set Collection for .NET 1.1
- Conway's Game of Life: my one and only Java applet.